Pros don't dabble


Inconsistent results.

That’s what I experienced early in my career.

With some clients, I’d knock it out of the park. With others…not so much.

After exhausting my storehouse of blame and excuses, it was time for some careful and candid self-reflection:

What’s my role in this?

I knew the answer before I even finished asking.

I was flying by the seat of my pants.

I had enough natural talent to be good…not enough to be great.

And the why behind my behavior was even harder to admit.

I was scared.

Scared that I would fail even if I gave it my all.

So, I held back.

I had been treating my work like a hobby. It was time to start behaving like a pro.

Pros prepare.

Pros practice.

Pros don’t dabble their way to greatness. They go all in.

Interesting thing…once I changed…my results did too.

What area of your career is still waiting for your full commitment?

What topics intrigue you?