

I woke up this morning frustrated and annoyed.

Here's why: I get way too much appreciation.

Okay, I really didn't think that…and neither did you.

The US Department of Labor found that the #1 reason people leave organizations is because they don't feel appreciated.

Let’s not be lulled into thinking this is only a work problem. It sneaks into the home front, hiding behind a similar excuse: “I shouldn’t have to thank someone for doing their job.”

The truth is, nobody has to thank anyone for anything.

The problem is, that approach is shortsighted and out of touch.

It feels good to have our efforts noticed…especially the efforts we give day in and day out.

Every day my wife does things to bless our home and life that she doesn’t expect a thank you for…that’s why I make sure to thank her for those very things.

Over and over, she does them. Over and over, I thank her.

Two small words have the power to motivate the mundane.

Life is tough. Thank you goes a long way.

Take a second and encourage someone today.