The stronghold of thoughts


I’m not good with words…reading…language.

I carried that belief around long after my 2nd grade report card made it “true”.

I can still see my Mom’s neatly written question in the parent comment section:

“Do you think Richard needs remedial reading??” (Yes, she used two question marks.)

After encountering this early thought about myself…it gradually solidified into my belief.

I’m not good with words…reading…language.

That truth reigned unchallenged for decades.

Until it stood in the way of something I really wanted.

A mentor said I had to write and create content if I wanted to be taken seriously in this industry.

What? That’s impossible!

I’m not good with words…reading…language.

Left with no other option, I summoned the courage to write my first blog.

Then my second…

And my third…

That’s when I noticed something.

People responded. They said my words had an impact on them.

How could that be? Didn’t they know?

I’m not good with words…reading…language.

Their truth told a different story.

Hope awakened. Groggy as it was.

I had a choice to make.

Which belief was I going to carry forward?

12 years, 468 blogs, and 1 book later, I still decide daily to let go of my 2nd grade label so I can embrace my present-day potential.

The question is:

What limiting belief are you holding on to that’s holding you back?