Do you really know them?


Long before the pandemic…we had an epidemic.

It’s called: Knowing about without knowing.

At work, we’re surrounded by people we spend more waking hours with than our family. Yet for decades, we've placed priorities on duties, deadlines, and deliverables at the cost of connection, commonality, and culture.

Staying on the surface may feel safe, but it won't sustain a team that craves community and purpose.

The gap requires a bridge built by genuine curiosity and well-crafted questions.

Make application this week by asking a team member one of these questions:

  •  Where did you grow up?

  • What energizes you in your spare time?

  • What inspired you to pursue this profession?

  • What brings your family together?

  • What keeps you motivated during a challenge?

Know and be known by the people around you.

The support we need to thrive starts below the surface.

Choose the journey from knowing about to knowing.