The problem with your rules


My oldest daughter was home-schooled through 5th grade.

While attending an annual home-school conference, a speaker dropped some parenting wisdom:

“Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.”

What I heard resonated because I had a habit of honoring rules above relationships, and I’d seen it hurt my girls.

After shifting my priority to “personal”, I noticed a positive impact on our interactions and the rules I was trying to enforce.

This principle isn’t limited to parenting. It’s transferable anywhere humans are present. Even at work.

How do you get people to care more, work harder, and take more ownership?

Listen to their ideas.

Coach rather than criticize.

Uncover and maximize talents.

Build trust.

Getting more out of people is tied to how much you put into people.

The currency of commitment is a culture (and more importantly a leader) that cares.